Hidden In Sight is the second installment of the collaborative series, uncovering life-changing challenges & victories experienced by nine real educators and administrators. Tap into the hidden insight of the hidden figures, or unsung heroes, or educators, that touch the lives of thousands daily. We invite you to lay down all preconceived ideas of what you may think you know about educators and leaders beyond your experience.
As readers, we look for ways to gain knowledge, sometimes to escape reality and other times simply for fun and enjoyment. In this book, several gifted friends and family members share their stories of strength, triumph, and victory with you. The feelings of “I don’t know how I’m going to make it or “How am I going to get through this situation and remain sane?“ resonates with all of us at times. As you take a peek into their life stories and experiences, allow the stories to take you to a place to bring comfort, healing, and encouragement.
In Chasing Your Purpose: Steps to Igniting Your Purpose Within, Dawn Francis shares insight to help the reader to motivate themselves to seek their God-given purpose. It is a short read that is packed with information and wisdom. In her third book, Dawn Francis shares her personal journey towards finding a life with meaning and purpose, while balancing her own self-care.
The Breaking of Dawn is an indispensable resource for industry professionals, including musicians, composers, producers, singers, dancers, and playwrights. Dawn shares her personal musical journey exposed her misfortunes and disappointments and the lessons learned from each heartbreak. She provides questions within each chapter and challenges the reader to dig deeper so that they can identify what is most important and what will help them to propel to the next level.